Thursday, July 25, 2013

"The L Word"

So what now? What does Lupus Nephritis mean and how is my life going to be effected?
Stage 4 lupus nephritis is basically lupus with stage 4 of 6 kidney disease. My kidneys weren't bad enough for dialysis, thank goodness, but I wasn't sure just how bad they were or what treatment I was going to face. I was referred to a nephrologist to monitor my kidney function and to hopefully help with some of the lupus symptoms, although she was unable to help with the severe pain caused from this disease attacking all of my organs. I was put on about 25 different pills a day consisting of kidney function assistance, blood pressure medicine, etc, but the worst of them all...steroids. The doctor warned me of the awful side effects of the steroids and what to be aware of. I began wondering if lupus or the side effects of the medicine was going to be worse. She said it would make me crazy, gain weight, have stretch marks, make my body insulin resistant (which is terrible for diabetics obviously) and the list goes on. Being the petite person that I am I freaked out about the weight gain and stretch marks. As if my life and diet hadn't had to change enough already, I made sure my meals were very small and extremely healthy even more so. I invested more time in focusing on myself and daily soaked myself in organic coconut oil to prevent the dreaded stretch marks she mentioned. About a week after being put on the medicine I began swelling so much that I gained 20+ pounds in water weight. My entire body was so swollen that when I would even bend my legs I could feel the skin stretching to the point it felt like it was ripping. My two pound dog would stand on my leg and leave a foot print for about 10 minutes just from the water my body was holding. I was swollen in places I never knew could swell. Along with not feeling well, this swelling made me feel completely down about myself and unattractive more than ever. Thankfully, my kidneys showed improvement and I was able to begin taking lasix- water pills- to help with the swelling.
I was then referred to a rheumatologist to help with the pain caused by lupus and other symptoms, such as hair loss and exhaustion. The medicine she gave me began working about a week after starting it and has been a life savor. My joints weren't popping as bad and sleep wasn't as painful, although still difficult most nights.
I began to lose the water weight and once it all was gone I actually weighed less than before I got sick, thanks to the healthy food I was now eating and how much attention I was paying to my eating habits. The nephrologist slowly began to lower medicine doses, including the steroids, but not taking me completely off any of them, not yet at least.
Thankful for my faith and a praying family, I am in partial remission only four months into my treatment. My doctors were all surprised about my progress and how fast I was reacting to the medications. All I can say is its all because of faith, prayer, and a lot of fight in me with the support of great family and friends.

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