Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What do you wish for...?

Everyone has dreams and goals, some realistic and some really are just dreams.  My personal goals have been to complete college with a good degree, obtain a good job with great benefits, have a happy husband and beautiful children one day, and many more.  Goals, over time, tend to change with life and things become less important as you once thought they were in your life, such as having my own children.  My goals changed from some of these things I mentioned to focusing on me being healthy enough to help take care of my "broken" husband, as I like to call him as well as keep moving forward with my own life and not have "bad days" with lupus and diabetes. ;) My personal dreams however, have not changed.  I have always dreamed of becoming a model of some sort, working in the fashion industry, becoming a Falcon's cheerleader at some point...the list goes on. 
Now that some of my goals have been modified for my new lifestyle, I feel like I can pursue some of my dreams.  I have never taken the time to focus on me as much as I do now nor have I had the chance to really get in the best shape I could ever imagine.  I have been asked several times by several different people if I was going to start competing in fitness competitions once I get to competing status as far as my body is concerned.  At first I was not even considering this but after thinking about it and talking to a fitness model that I follow on Instagram, I realized maybe competition is just what I need to accomplish my dreams.  Competing will help keep me focused in the gym and out as far as lifting as well as my diet is concerned. I am already extremely disciplined with my diet but who doesn't have weak days.  Competing can help me focus on short term goals now in preparation for the next competition that will lead to me reaching my long term fitness goals in the future.  This can also be something I can do to help make extra money when I go back to school once we move back to Georgia (YAY). 
To become a fitness model, many girls get noticed from competing and are then picked up by different sponsors.  As shy as I am when it comes to things like this, I know that without being embarrassed from time to time and taking chances, dreams will never come true.  I really want to accomplish this dream, not only for me but for other girls that deal with many health issues, like me, or even just need a confidence boost.  I want to be the person people look at and say, "you are the reason I kept going" or "you are my inspiration". I want people, of all ages and lifestyles, to realize nothing will ever hold them back from their dreams as long as they set their mind on the prize and never let anything get them down. 
I plan on keeping my blog family updated on my journey to hopefully accomplish this long time dream of mine and in the end have something wonderful to show for my efforts and hard work.  I would love if my blog family would join me in praying for me and my body during this time to not only focus on this dream but also to not lose focus on the one that gave it all.  God has given so much for me in my life and blessed me beyond my dreams.  I asking Him for help through yet, another journey and hope you will do the same. 

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