Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Healthy Habits...Part 2

Lets talk about that oh so difficult topic for many people...exercise! Finding the motivation to work out on your own can be like pulling teeth sometimes, even with a workout buddy to hold you accountable! I used to have excuse after excuse why I couldn't make it to the gym like, I don't have the money for a membership, my sugar always messes up when I workout, I don't want to go by myself, etc...I'm sure many of you can relate with at least one of those!
 Once I was diagnosed I knew my life would be changing forever, in some ways to keep me alive, some ways to make me feel more comfortable while completing what used to be easy tasks, and some for my own selfish reasons. Exercise, of course has many great benefits. The biggest reasons to exercise for me are for stress relief, natural anti-depressant, and self-satisfaction in the way I see my body changing from week to week.  Once I got a better idea of things I should eat and making grocery lists, I decided working out should be my next healthy habit to add to my new life.  I began following many motivating blogs and looking on Pinterest to give me ideas of new workouts to try.  My husband set up an appointment with a personal trainer at our gym for me and I was on my way to my new and improved body and outlook. After I worked with the trainer for one day I was so sore I could barely move for the next four but didn't stop going to the gym. [Always remember, if you don't workout the soreness it will get worse and then you will have to deal with it all over again next time you work out.] I continued the workout the trainer showed me until it was no longer challenging to me, at this point I had to change my routine.  I have learned if I continue to change up my workout routine and "shock" my body and muscles, I will continue to grow and see improvements and changes in my muscles. We are creatures of habit by nature so change is hard sometimes, especially when we aren't sure of what to do...luckily the Internet is full of assistance for many different things, including workouts. Personally, I like to do circuits, and rotations of workouts.  I usually stay on a three day rotation but change up the type of workouts I do to focus on the different areas.  For example: I always start with a cardio warm up- treadmill, elliptical, stair stepper, etc...
Day 1: chest and triceps, lower body, and tabata timer for abs
Day 2: extra cardio, back and biceps, tabata timer and weighted obliques for abs
Day 3 shoulders, lower body, and tabata time for abs
For once in my life, I can focus on getting and feeling better than I ever could in my life.  I am currently not working due to summer break and not going to school, which I used so much as an excuse in the past.  I have a wonderful support system that helps keep me focused on my goal and tons of motivation. Nothing will stop me from reaching my goal. Some day I feel weak from lupus but I have learned to wait a little while and try again later in the day or do a less strenuous workout.  Never give up on a dream and set your focus on your goal. After all, you are the only one you will let down! Makes yourself proud of what you did! 

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