Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Unfortunate News

Starting at a young age, a girl dreams of two days, her wedding day and the day she has children. For many years I've always worried about my chances of conceiving, as well as being able to carry my own child safely. Being diabetic and having hypothyroidism, doctors were already concerned with the safety of me along with how safe the pregnancy would be for the baby.  We had began trying to conceive December 2012 and in April 2013 we discovered why it wasn't working when I was diagnosed with lupus. When I was diagnosed with lupus this added an entire new level of concern. There are two types of medicine to help control lupus symptoms, one is safe for young patience still wanting to have children in the future, the other not so safe. Currently, being that I am only 25, the doctors want me to try the "safe" medicine to hopefully have the chance at having a family in the future.
Before even discussing the new dangers of pregnancy with a doctor, Paul and I discussed the many issues we may face in the future and what options we have and want to consider. Of course there is adoption, surrogacy, freezing embryos, and we even discussed not having children at all, which we both agreed we didn't want to not have children. We asked the doctor what her thoughts were about freezing embryos to have stored in case to allow me to still carry our child later, even if the medicine had to be changed. She agreed with freezing and storing the embryos but referred me to a specialist to find out more details. Being a fan of the reality show, Giuliana and Bill, I presented the idea of a gestational carrier, or surrogate. If I can't safely carry our child, we could possibly freeze embryos to later have implanted into another willing and able body to carry for us.
All of these options range anywhere from $10,000-$50,000, which we knew would take a financial toll on us but we were willing to sacrifice to be able to have our dream of a family. We finally met with the fertility specialist and got some not so fortunate news.  First, he informed us of the extreme danger my life as well as the baby's life would be in if I tried to carry myself. Diabetics alone can go into labor as early as 29 weeks, which decreases the chance of the baby surviving, as well as putting my life in great danger to the point it could kill me. Hypertension is dangerous for pregnancy as well and can also cause premature birth and even more issues for the mother. The lupus could possibly flare up mid-pregnancy due to the stress it places on the body causing possible birth defects from the medicine as well as, yet again, premature labor. So what now?
"Is freezing and storing embryos a better route for us to go?" We asked the specialist. He told us we could try but for two perfectly healthy individuals the freezing of embryos is a 50/50 chance of success and ours would be a great deal lower. He told us I would need to get off most of my medicine to retrieve the eggs not to mention the IVF I would have to take could also make me relapse and push me back in accomplishing remission. He told us it wasn't completely out of the question but he would run some test and see if he could even retrieve my eggs.
We had a lot to think about and pray about. Knowing my health issues could be passed down to our children is a major concern if everything else went smoothly. We need a great deal of support and prayer to help us in this decision making over the next few months as we decide what our future would look like.

1 comment:

  1. Maria if you ever need to talk please feel free to call me. I have been there. My number is 404.550.5263. Also, try to find a support group in your area. You can get a lot of info from young women going through the same thing. The lupus foundation in your area can also recomend doctors who know about pregnancy with lupus. I am praying for you.
