Friday, September 13, 2013

Compromised Immune System

First of all I want to let everyone know I am feeling better from my recent hospital visit however not up to 100% quite yet...thank you for the prayers!
I want to take this time to explain how serious autoimmune diseases can be if you are around aggressive germs. Although I am on my way to remission with my lupus nephritis, I'm not there yet, meaning I'm even more vulnerable to germs. I am a firm believer that if you tell yourself you feel good, you will...same with feeling bad. I try to tell myself everyday, even if I don't, that I feel great.
 I was so thankful when school started back because I got to start working again and pulling my weight financially.  My throat began to bother me but I continued working and telling myself I felt great! Those darling 5 year olds sure do love their hugs and high fives. I finished working the days I was already scheduled and then made an appointment with my doctor to check it out. She said it was allergies and sent me on my way. A few days later my throat became so sore that it felt like I had swallowed razor blades. I called the doctor back an informed her over the phone to which she phoned in new allergy medicine. I ended up going to the naval hospital to the emergency room to get looked at again because I continued to grow worse and ended up missing work because of it. One hospital said I had gotten a fungal infection in my throat due to the bacteria and prednisone use over long periods of time. I wanted a second opinion because they said there was nothing they could do for me. The next morning  I went to the emergency room out in town where I was told I had strep throat and given treatment for that.
I do not remember being this sick with a sore throat ever in my life. Having to wear a mask in the hospital was embarrassing and only being able to whisper made me miserable. I paid a visit to my nephrologist to discuss what is going on and she asked if I had been around germs. Well, yes. I started working again...teaching. She seemed extremely worried and concerned for me which then confirmed my thoughts of a degree change. Having an autoimmune disease makes sickness worse and much easier to catch, at least with the aggressive germs the sweet babies at school carry. I've learned, washing my hands a lot just might not be enough!

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